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Twin girls turn 1!

I was so excited for this session.  This family is so beautiful!  The girls were born early and spent some time in the NICU and now they just turned 1 and are keeping their mom and dad so so busy!  I think we were all exhausted by the end of the session… if one of the girls was looking at the camera the other was crawling or walking away…LOL!  They are busy and so adorable and have the most gorgeous blue eyes.  I work with their mom and I have had the pleasure of hearing all of the stories about them….and now that I was able to meet them and see them in action it was so much fun.  When you are looking at the pictures when they are both in the picture, Olivia is usually on the left and Nadia is on the right.  Olivia has the pink tutu on and Nadia has the purple on.  They were so much fun….hope you enjoy!

Michelle Buck - I didn’t know she had twins! I am a triplet, so I love seeing pictures of multiples. Awesome job to you and to the twins mommy!

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